8     What next?:

Two things in the not too far distant future:

First - a group of people who are either interested in or actually starting to implement quality management, from the Quality Management in Healthcare SIG, are getting together, on line, to discuss progress and issues. Please join the SIG and join up if you are interested in joining this group.

Second - as part of a Q Community initiative we will be getting together with Hexitime and will be participating in a Q SIG development programe. My idea is to develop a series of Action Learnind Sets (ALS) to help members introduce quality management, including continuous improvement, into their organisations. The ALS will be run first of all for SIG menbers then SIG members can run the ALS in their own organisations. That is the rough plan at the moment but It would be good if some SIG members could volunteer to help with the design and delivery of this project. I'll go into more detail in the last topic of this webinar.

‘Doing the right work, and doing the work right’