7. So, how do you do it?

Within your Work Team you need to do some real Systems Thinking. Most of this can be initiated and reviewed during a Team brief, you can do the thinking at any time.

First consider the different services/patient flows that your Work Team undertake. Some of theses services may not involve patients directly. Make a list. Ask collegues if they agree with the list and if they can add to it. A simple template can help with this.

Make an initial decision on whether each service can be represented by a single process or whether it needs a number of processes.

Discuss with colegues to confirm results. Update template. More than one sheet may be required. This may be an iterative process.

Once you are happy with your updated list you are ready to start on your first Process Flowchart.

Remember the process approach?

I started this section by mentioning Systems Thinking, well without any clear understanding and transparity of your processes, as is the case in most healthcare organisations currently, I'm not sure that it's possible to do any sensible Systems Thinking! Particularly when it comes to Patient Safety Management, Quality Management, H&S review, Human Factors review, Sustainability review, Audit, Improvement, the list goes on and on.

And just for Jeremy's budget speech: IT applications, Digitisation, AI, Productivity, Efficiency, Costs, etc.