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Process flowchart illustrations are being created and made available to all employees via Internet Explorer. These flowcharts represent key processes within each workflow area. This work is being done for two reasons:

  • To identify processes where eForms are applicable and to map workflow for these processes.
  • To change the processes, where necessary and through consultation, to make them more effective and efficient.

In addition, planned upgrades and proposed new software applications will require some process change.

eForms are an electronic version of the forms that we already use and can have workflow built into their design. These forms will be available on your PC via Internet Explorer.

The term ‘workflow’ means that when the form is completed and ‘Submitted’ it will automatically be forwarded to the next destination for additional information to be added and will eventually reach its final destination completed and ready for action following the ‘workflow’ path designed into the eForm.

Initially the process flowchart illustrations will be created from existing knowledge.

You are invited to feed back any additional information that can be added to make the illustrations more representative of what actually happens currently and that also makes them easier to understand.

Thanks for your help.

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